klient - 2019-02-23 16:27:19

Dobry serwerek wczoraj byl start


Experience: 7000x
Drop: 10%
Max Level: 400
Point per level: 5/7/7
Max Stats: 32767

Resets/Grand Resets info
Reset Level: 400
Reset Stats: No
Reset reward: 5 PCPoints
Reset Limit: NO
Grand Reset: 50 Resets
Grand Reset stats/inventory/skills: stay
Grand Reset Reward: 300 Rena
Grand Reset Limit: 9999

Chaos machine rates:
+10 up to +13 = 100%
Wing level 1 mix rate: 1%-100%
wing level 2 mix rate: 1%-90%
Feather of Condofr mix rate: 1%-50%
Wings level 3 mix rate: 1%-40%
Fenrir Mix Rate: 5%-60%
jewel rates= all 100%

wbijac !
